Monday, August 13, 2007


Firstly let me apologise for not having been around, there has been a whole lot going on and not enough time or energy to keep up with everything. BUT... We had our level II U/S on friday and we're having a BOY this time!! I'm still getting over it, after having 2 girls, I guess I just figured it would be another girl. His name is James Alan, and everything seems normal with the u/s.

It's blown the girl/boy sickness theory right out of the window. It's often been said that Hyperemesis is worse with a girl than a boy, but now I know otherwise. Having only had girls, I couldn't comment other than to repeat others experiences, but now I know that it's not gender based. This 'blue' pregnancy is not as bad as pink PG#1 but way worse than pink PG#2.

The thing I don't get about this illness is how it can change so much. Good days, (only throwing up 3-4 times) bad days, (throwing up constantly as soon as something touches your lips) heartburn nausea, and my latest one "sickly sweet" nausea.. It's weird and hard to explain, but even when I breath in and out if feels really sweet in my stomach, like I've eaten too many sweets, or been on a rollercoaster all day or something. Not pretty.

JJ took her first steps at 10.5 months but I missed it...again. I missed Kimi's first steps because I was PG with JJ and sick and this time I was at a midwife appointment when she did it for her daddy. She's also starting to say proper words now. She can say "Hi", "Chief" (said Teef but she only does it when our dog is around) "Go" and her favorite of the week "car" she will see a car on tv, or one of Kimi's toy ones and that's it, all you hear for an hour is "Cah"

And Kimi? Well... She has her own 'princess bed' now and is sleeping a bit better although she mostly still wakes once in the night, occasionally twice. She's hit the terrible two's head on and I really don't have the strength to deal with it, but know I have to, so that's not helping the HG much either. She's going through the "flop" stage, if you try to take her hand she drops to her knees, if I bend over to cuddle her she grabs my hair and flops, if you want her to do anything she doesn't want to do she flops...AAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!! Aside from that though she's doing really well, and even helped to choose her baby brothers name.

My better half has gone back to work after a 3 week holiday, and boy do I feel it, not having him around makes life so much harder right now, I can't nap whenever I need to like I could before, and the dishwasher doesn't automatically load itself before I've even got out of bed... But still he won't let me do anything around the house, except look after the girls.