Saturday, September 13, 2008


So I finally bit the bullet and bought myself a new laptop. I spent a 'little bit' more than my budget was, but in the words of Rachel in friends "Look how pretty!" I love my new baby. Her name is Nicole. I don't suppose for one second you care why I called her Nicole, but I'm going to tell you anyway. You may remember that the In-laws old laptop was called Rex. Well he was called Rex because he was a dinosaur, well, Rex died a slow death. So I went and bought the beautiful laptop. Rex was also a housemate on the UK Big Brother, and they brought his girlfriend into the house, she was a feisty little thing. And so the laptop is now called Nicole. I bet you're so pleased you came to my blog tonight aren't you?

Oh and I also got some of that mobile broadbandy stuff. You know, the one where you plug the dongle thingybob into the laptop and bob's your uncle? I got it. I feel quite posh now!

Ok, so I've had a bit of a spending spree and now I have a new toy, and freedom to do whatever I damn well please! YEY me.