Thursday, March 27, 2008

What happened?

One minute, I have this teeny tiny baby, smaller than a dolly, hooked up on wires, and not even fitting properly into preemie clothes/nappies. The next, fast forward 5 months and he is above average for his weight/height! He was 5 months yesterday, and weighs 17lb 3 oz now. The ped says we can start trying him on cereal, so we did.. He loved it!! Even opened his mouth up as the food headed towards him! How can this be? My tiny baby is not so tiny and growing up!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Weird dream

So I wake up at 5.30am this morning in a sweat. Thank God that dream's over. I'm sitting in a coffee house, not dissimilar to the one in friends. I'm talking to my ex best friend, we lost touch years ago, but in the dream we'd obviously stayed in touch. She was involved in some kind of gang, which is weird cos she's not the tough girl kind. Talking to her, it seems like she stumbled upon it but can't get out. The gang consists of 3-4 young guys. I can't make out if she's dating one of them or not, but she seems close to one of them. suddenly she seems scared, she's telling me she wants out, and I'm telling her she can do it but that I can't help, she has to do it herself (I don't know why I said that, because it's not like me to leave a friend in the lurch) and she suddenly starts crying. I give her a hug, and when I pull away, she's Kimi! A tiny toddler with tears in her eyes, who's scared. I cuddle Kimi and tell her everything will be ok, and that I'll look after her. Then I turn away, and look back and it's the ex friend again. I stand up and tell her I have to leave, then she whispers something to me, which I don't remember as she leaves, I call after her "Oh no, don't get me involved in your gang stuff, I'm not going there" And I walk to the other side of the coffee house to sit down and drink my coffee.

Next thing I know one of the gang members comes round, he says "you're paralysed aren't you?" I say "No" and he suddenly gets a huge knife out and tries to slash at my legs, I grab the knife handle and manage to steer it away from my legs, but I am screaming for the manager to come help, but no sound is coming out.

All of a sudden I am in my old army appartment in germany, but with my DH and not my ex. He is at work at I am cleaning the house when I hear noises outside, I look through the tiniest gap in the curtains, which are closed, and it's the gang. They see me because they are staring right at the window. I quickly move away, and look at the clock to see of DH is due home yet. I realise that it's getting late and there's no sign of him. I grab my cell phone but before I have time to dial, the house phone rings. I answer and all I hear is heavy breathing. I ask who it is, and what they want, but I get nothing. I slam the phone down and try to call DH from my cell. But his phone number has been deleted from my contacts.

Skip forward a few hours and I am back in the house I live in today, and I am sitting in the kitchen eating dinner with DH, the kids are asleep, and I am telling him about the gang. He says I need to go to Scotland right now with the kids, and that he'll follow after the house business is sorted. Suddenly I am back at the coffee house again, and I am looking for my friend, I tell her that she had better not tell anyone where I am moving to.

When I get back to my house, I am packing my stuff into a small case when the door starts hammering, I don't know who it is, as there's no glass or peephole (there is on my real door, but not this one) but I'm guessing it's the gang, the knocking gets louder and louder, and I'm hiding behind my wall unit, just waiting for the door to bust in, and then I wake up!