Monday, January 15, 2007


Well Walt and I are in the process of writing our formal letter of complaint to the hospital that ruined my birth experiences with BOTH of our children. First there was Kimi who was never going to get out without hurting herself or her mummy, but the dr's wouldn't listen and I ended up with an emergency section. Then 16 months later JJ. I'm not going to tell the whole story, but lets just say that things were done to me that no woman in labor should have to go through. I should've had another section, I begged for one, but the jr Dr (SHO) didn't believe in sections unless a life is at risk. So instead butchered me and gave me a spinal that didn't work and was manhandling me all over the place. I'm still recovering almost 4 months later, where as a section scar would have healed by now.

Anyways, the letter is started, and we are pulling no punches at all. We have stated what our problems are, and what we want done about it. All we need to do now is call my health visitor and figure out how to get the actual name of the SHO (it's one of those foreign names that no-one can spell OR as all my notes are at the hospital. Then we can rewrite it and send it off. I would have printed it, but my printer is on the blink and can't afford to fix it.

Oh Joy!

1 comment:

Tina said...

What a task! I hope it goes as well as possible (and that Kimi is feeling better now... teething is the pits!).