Monday, January 15, 2007

I need sleeeeeeep!

Urgh. I need sleep! Poor Kimi has been teething for what seems an eternity, she had 5 coming through but then she got better and we figured that was it, and the two days that she didn't wake every hour, JJ thought it would be cool to take over her role! And then Kimi took over again after that... I'm used to having such good babies. Both of them started sleeping through at 5 weeks, and we're talking 10 hours, not the 5-6 hours the health professionals tell you about. I figured I deserved good babies after the pregnancies I had. If hyperemesis wasn't enough, I also had SPD (Symphisis Pubis Dysfunction) where your pelvis seperates too much during pregnancy and grates and wobbles causing extreme pain when you try to walk, move etc... Anyways, I got the good babies, but the teething bit sure sucks!If you look at the picture, you can see her new teeth (and her feeling sorry for herself) they are the molars each side and the incisor on our left (her right). There is also 2 other molars coming through, on the top, but you can't see them on the pic.

And feeling very sorry for herself

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