Friday, March 16, 2007

6 Months going on 10! (contains FOODMENTS for my HG friends)

Ok so "little JJ" has the biggest appetite ever, she's not quite 6 months yet and she already has cereal for breakfast, a dinner and pudding at lunch and a dinner and pudding at tea time!! Her favourites are mummy's home made cottage pie and and hot mashed bananas. But she will happily scoff down anything I put in front of her, and so far she has only had one very mild reaction to a food that we have now taken out of her diet. She has been wearing 9-12M clothes and for the most part she is still in those, but she has also been getting into some 12-18 month stuff too, I have a real feeling that give her another 6 months and they'll be wearing the same size clothes! At last weigh in she was over 18lb so she's probably over 19lb now as that was over 2 weeks ago.

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