Monday, March 19, 2007


Yes I've worked it out, and I now have a bit of time in the evenings. I've managed to get JJ to bed by 7.30pm by cutting out one of her naps in the afternoon and giving her a long bath so she kicks and splashes and tires herself out. It's working!!

And Kimi has finally started going to bed by herself. There was a time if you put her in her cot and left the room she would scream the house down. CIO didn't work because she'd get herself so worked up she'd puke. So we were resigned to cuddling her to sleep then putting her in the cot. Well a few days ago I was fed up with it, JJ was screaming for a bottle, DH was working late and I just chucked her (not literally) in her cot, gave her her milk and her teddy and left the room, I went down to JJ, fed her and put her to bed, and when I checked on Kimi she was fast asleep, so I took the bottle away and chilled out til DH got home.

We tried it a few nights to make sure it wasn't a fluke and nope! She will go to sleep herself. We sometimes hear her talking to herself, but in general she nods off almost straightaway, and if not, she talks herself to sleep.

Nights to myself ROCK!!

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